Information Line.
From the beginning of the season BC will be using their website to provide green closure updates that we provided on the information Line. These will be on a banner running along the top of the Bowls Canterbury website home screen. This will be updated as soon as we receive information and will be a lot easier for us to update and more efficient.
The information line will be disconnected once the new system is underway.
The information line will be disconnected once the new system is underway.
Play Offs.
U5 Pairs. Final. Thursday 19 – 12 – 24 6pm EP1 [Steve Cooke Phil Smith] v Club Redcliffs @ Morrison Ave
View play off draws on Bowls Canterbury website.
Duty Teams.
Unlock clubrooms/greens
Set up: Mats Jacks Chalk Scorecards
Put out: Cups Coffee/tea/sugar/biscuits
Once bowling is finished.
Put away: Mats Jacks Any rubbish in bins
Do any dishes/ensure kitchen/kitchenette etc clean & tidy
Put away coffee/tea/sugar/biscuits
Lockup clubrooms remembering to set the alarm – No 1 green