
14 – 6 – 24

The work has started on the upgrade of the N0. 2 green.
The contractors are using machinery in the area and have asked that our members NOT visit the site when the work is being carried out for health and safety requirements.
I have been given the company’s ‘Health and Safety’ policy to study, some seven pages long, and they don’t want anyone there who should not be there.
If you need to enter the site, please contact either Kelvin or myself to arrange.
Thanks for your attention in this matter.
Tim Sandrey.

29 – 4 – 24
Take care when using the entrance to the club.
The break glass is only to be used in an EMERGENCY. Please use the “Press to Exit” only.


9 – 4 – 24
As you may or may not be aware, since February 2024, the breweries have substantially increased all pricing across their product range, fluctuating between 5% and 8%.
In light of price increases from the brewery and other liquor outlets, the Executive has resolved to:
1.  Absorb all existing price rises through until 30th April 2024
2.  Effective, Wednesday 1st May 2024, the price at the till for most beverage products shall increase, ranging between 6% to 10%.
Although decisions like this are never popular, our prices have not increased for a number of reasons.
1 – 2 – 24

Club members are reminded that the Smoking/Vaping areas are as follows:
1.  On No.1 green, the specifically designated areas are the two far corners and the one area on the Heaton Intermediate boundary.
2.  On No.2  green, in the area behind the shelters on the east side of the complex.
Smoking/Vaping is not permitted at any other part of the premises and this very much includes any part of our pavilion, including the outside seating areas and, of course, the greens themselves.
Could those running functions/welcoming clubs please ensure that those visiting or from other clubs are told of these requirements and comply with them.
Club members are alerted to the very strict Bowls Canterbury restrictions around smoking/vaping in the Bowls Canterbury Interclub and Open events, irrespective of club policy.   See p48 of the Centre handbook


21 – 2 – 22
There is a  defibrillator at the new clubrooms. We would like everyone to get some familiarity with it, before they may need to use it one day.
It is so so so easy, take it out of the cabinet, open it, turn it on, it will talk to you!

  1. The sign on the cabinet that says the “alarm will sound” is NOT TRUE – no alarm will sound if you open the cabinet and take the defib out.
  2. Unzip the container and turn it on – button No. 1
  3. It will now start telling you what to do – very very simple.

Because you won’t be able to actually place the defib. pads on to someone while exploring, the machine will not go any further with the instructions but, it would if the pads were on.  Do not worry – you cannot do anything wrong.  It will not shock someone unless it detects a ‘shockable rhythm’.  It is completely fool proof.

So – have a look.  At least then you won’t hesitate to take it out of the cabinet if it’s needed.  Turn it off when you have finished though, we don’t want the batteries to run out!

Fiona Frew
