11 – 2 – 25 Edwards Cup Edwards Cup continued in fine weather, a good result to EP Gold puts them within striking distance of EP Blue. EP Blue 1½ v Fen 1½ P. Nicholson 14 – 14 K. Nicholson 11 – 20 N. Johnstone 21 – 9 EP…
11 – 2 – 25 Edwards Cup Edwards Cup continued in fine weather, a good result to EP Gold puts them within striking distance of EP Blue. EP Blue 1½ v Fen 1½ P. Nicholson 14 – 14 K. Nicholson 11 – 20 N. Johnstone 21 – 9 EP…
Information Line. From the beginning of the season BC will be using their website to provide green closure updates that we provided on the information Line. These will be on a banner running along the top of the Bowls Canterbury website home screen. This will be updated as soon as we receive information and…
Fifteen Years Ago. 11 – 2 – 10 Oakey Kittey played for at St. Albans-Merivale. The Oakey Kitty is an aggregate game and this year it was won by Elmwood, 138 – 110 winning for the second year in a row. It was a bad day for the St. Albans-Merivale Club with the Bill Whiting…
Practise game for this unit. Click on the bowl. Drill 5 Coaching. Line variations. Click on Line Variations and see a sheet on establishing the line. Use a fixed reference on the bank or beyond. * prevents green guessing * allows adjustment in shot play * ensures the body alignment is…
4 – 2 – 25 David needs a few volunteers to help with some of these functions below. For the 21st and 28th we need rink help and if we could get some help on bar, not necessarily serving just collecting empties and doing glasses / stock up. During the NZ Bowls [20th & 24th]…
ELMWOOD PARK BOWLING CLUB. The friendliest bowling club in Christchurch. Newsletter: November 2024. 21 – 11 – 24 WHAT’S HAPPENING AT EPBC… I am delighted to see some good weather, some fine Elmwood Park greens, and some great results. RECORDING. Our two Bowls Canterbury recorders, who have carried out these jobs for many years are…
If your information is incorrect or omitted please return the form below. Full Members. Alty Peter 385 4233 0272127120 Baker Don 386 1489 0273426654 Bentley Warren 027 4364169 Bigg Alison 352 0681 Bowden Deborah 0273756700 Bowden Steven 0275277533 Boyd Mandy 0211204321 Brown Jenny 0210366317 Brownie Murray 0211219909 Buchanan Christine 0272481255 Buchanan Neil 0212481255 Burke Bernie …