Coaching. 12 The Drive

Practise game for this unit.
Click on the bowl.



Drill 8

The Drive.

Objective:   Increase speed and reduce line and deliver to the target.
i)   To remove your opponents’ bowls for yours to count.
ii)   To add to the total count.
iii)  To reduce opponents’ counting bowls.
iv)  To kill an end.

Success factors:
i)    Bowl speed control is the key to successful driving.
ii)   Consistent positioning of feet and keeping head still.
iii)  Speed is created by the arm pendulum movement and the amount of forward momentum generated through forward weight transfer and step length.
iv)  Essential to keep body square and maintain straight line movement.
v)   Excessive speeds create problems with technique and loss of control.
vi)  Accuracy will be sacrificed if balance, rhythm, timing and coordination are lost in the effort to create speed.

The speed and accuracy will be defined by the control and ability of the player.
* line selection needs to be accurate.
* speed to suit the ability of the player.

Click on the bowls for videos about driving.



Remember the Basics.
Hold the bowl correctly and comfortably.
Identify the line of delivery from 1m behind the mat, pre shot routine.
In deciding with hind to play, general rule is:
forehand for any target right of the centre line
backhand for any target left of the centre line
Ensure anchor foot is placed correctly on the mat. Aim along the line the bowl is to be bowled and determine the focus point.
Delivery technique. Free flowing, rhythmic movement, balanced and co-ordinated.
Control bowl speed.Follow through and watch th bowl travel over the focus point along intended line.
Always move and step FORWARD to allow full weight transfer.

Take an interest in the game, follow how the head is being built up so you do not have to ask the other team members what the situation is.

Players of each team not in the act of playing or controlling play shall stand behind the jack and away from the head or 1m behind the mat.

If you are at the same end as the player delivering a bowl you must stand behind the mat thus staying out of the player’s line of vision.


Bowls New Zealand has produced a series of coaching videos, a new initiative from the Bowls New Zealand coaching group for the benefit of the entire bowling community.
Topics include: technique   tactics   performance   nutrition   mental skills   fitness
Click on the icon to go to the BNZ website.