Revision stuff.
Click on the bowl.
Ready Steady Go Revise
Pre Shot Routine.
Bowl Objective.
Position the bowl in your hand.
Identify the line.
Visualize the shot to be played.
Confirm the line.
Move onto the mat.
The Mat Drill.
Confirm the body is square to the line.
Check – how far? Think – how fast?
Establish the focus point.
The Delivery Routine.
Start the pendulum swing.
Step straight forward.
Release bowl at vertical release
Complete arm swing, keep head still.
If a jack is moved by a non toucher that rebounds from the bank it should be put back in its former position.
If a jack in the ditch is moved by a non toucher it should be put back in its former position.
If a jack in motion is displaced by a non toucher that rebounds from the bank it should be put back to where they think it would come to rest. if agreement can’t be reached the end is to be called dead.
Bear in mind that some people like to see the rink boundary markers and the centre pin while you are not obscuring them. On sunny days you must also ensure that your shadow does not fall on the jack.
Bowls New Zealand has produced a series of coaching videos, a new initiative from the Bowls New Zealand coaching group for the benefit of the entire bowling community.
Topics include: technique tactics performance nutrition mental skills fitness
Click on the icon to go to the BNZ website.