26 – 3 – 25
Following the cancellation of our game against Redcliffs, we are organising a fun afternoon of bowls this Saturday afternoon, starting
at 1.00 p..m. Drawn 2 bowl triples and prizes to be won! Hopefully those who were playing against Redcliffs will play and it would be
great to see a good turnout.
If you would like to enter, please phone or text Tim Sandrey as soon as possible (027 494 8112) or come along to the club by 12.30 and Tim
will put you in a team.LIMITED MEMBERS – Please come along and join in – a great opportunity to play a game of bowls and to meet other club members.
Tim Sandrey.
25 – 3 – 25
Nominations of Officers.
As required by Clause 11 of our constitution, N=nominations are now called for the executive, the president and the vice president.
Each nomination must be in writing ,and by 2 full playing members of the club and signed by the person nominated.
The nomination form(s) are on the club notice board next to the club championship board.
The club’s A.G.M. will be held on Sunday, June 29th.
David Fairlie
Regrettably, I have been told by Rod Grout of Redcliffs that they cannot get the numbers for this event. The fixture is therefore cancelled. They still want to have an annual fixture at the beginning of next season.~
I have asked Tim Sandrey and his team to arrange an alternative club event for that afternoon. Details to follow. Tim has said that he will take it that if you put your name down for Redcliffs, that you would like to play in this unless you let him know otherwise or cross your name off the list.

Neil Johnstone
17 – 3 – 25

26 – 2 – 25
I am pleased to announce that we have a new club sponsor on board!
Ben Harris from Bayleys is our new residential real estate partner and I would like to take this opportunity to thank him for his support.
Ben is a current member of the club and many of you may know him or have seen him practicing on the greens. Due to his significant sporting background, it is fair to say he has taken to bowls like a duck to water and will certainly be one to watch out for in our ever-expanding junior group, next season.
As part of Ben’s sponsorship, we will be having the “Harris Happy Hour” this Friday between 5-6pm, where all full and limited members drinks will be half price!! (terms and conditions apply). This initiative will also run on the last Friday of the month for the duration of the bowls season.
It would be great to see a large number of members attend the club on Friday to meet Ben and to celebrate some of the great successes that club members have achieved in the national fours and mixed pairs over the past week.
Jamie Wagner
Club Captain
21 – 12 – 24
The club’s executive has agreed to a request by Lance Main, a club member, to run his specific coaching programme on a trial basis, at the club. This will complement the club’s existing coaching programme.
Lance is a top bowler who has been successfully coaching for some years. He is offering one on one sessions for those players who want to aspire to the next level. This applies to all Elmwood Park Bowling Club full playing members who want to improve their game. Each session is at no cost to the player and the club thanks to the sponsorship support of Chris Waldron who has himself benefited from Lance’s coaching. Thank you, Chris, for this.
Each session will look at technique and mental skills in particular and be designed to lift players’ performances on the green.
To register your interest please text Lance (021-049-4291)
Please note that our excellent coaches, Pam Rowley and Neil Buchanan are always available, by arrangement, to provide coaching sessions to all bowlers, including new and limited members. They will be offering a specific programme in the New Year – details to follow.
Duty Teams.
21 – 9 – 24
Welcome to the 2024-25 bowling season. Once again, I consider it a real honour and privilege to be re-appointed as President of our Elmwood Park Bowling Club.
A very warm welcome to David Fairlie as our newly appointed club manager and we look forward to working with him in order to promote the interests of the club.
I was delighted that during the year the club recognised the very special and long-standing contributions made to our club by Don Baker and Murray Scott by making them life members.
Special thanks as always to the executive committee for their sterling work over the year and, especially, to Les Campbell who, so very ably, added the secretarial function to her duties as treasurer, following the departure of Erin Hyde on maternity leave. My thanks also to Brian Smith who carried out so ably his duties as vice-president and chairman of the executive committee. His advice and counsel was always of the highest calibre.
Many, many thanks to Erin for all her great work over her many years with the club.
Welcome to our new greenkeeper, Kelvin Scott. With Kelvin’s involvement, our two greens should be in excellent shape for the season. Thank you to Don, Tim and Kelvin for their great work in relation to the No. 2 upgrade. We look forward to the final product!
Last season, there were many interclub and other successes for the club, including at the nationals. Well done to all concerned, including the hard-working selectors of our interclub teams.
Once again, we are so grateful for and reliant upon the many volunteers who give of their time to work for the club, often very much behind the scenes. Thank you all so much, your work is much appreciated.
Thanks also to those sponsoring the club – your help is so much appreciated.
Also, please do all you can to support the executive, our club manager and others in the club as they carry out their responsibilities.
To everyone, including all our new members, I wish you all a most enjoyable, happy and successful season.

29 – 4 – 24
Take care when using the entrance to the club.
The break glass is only to be used in an EMERGENCY. Please use the “Press to Exit” only.

21 – 2 – 22
There is a defibrillator at the new clubrooms. We would like everyone to get some familiarity with it, before they may need to use it one day.
It is so so so easy, take it out of the cabinet, open it, turn it on, it will talk to you!
- The sign on the cabinet that says the “alarm will sound” is NOT TRUE – no alarm will sound if you open the cabinet and take the defib out.
- Unzip the container and turn it on – button No. 1
- It will now start telling you what to do – very very simple.
Because you won’t be able to actually place the defib. pads on to someone while exploring, the machine will not go any further with the instructions but, it would if the pads were on. Do not worry – you cannot do anything wrong. It will not shock someone unless it detects a ‘shockable rhythm’. It is completely fool proof.
So – have a look. At least then you won’t hesitate to take it out of the cabinet if it’s needed. Turn it off when you have finished though, we don’t want the batteries to run out!
Fiona Frew