Thirteen Years Ago.
24 – 3 – 12
The annual SAM President’s Fours was held today in fine weather but which got quite blustery as the afternoon progressed.
1] Allan Reid Margaret McLennan Gordon Whale John Elley
2] Mick Tarling Stanley Barnes Brian Barker Velma Maunsell
3] Wayne Robinson Irene Godfrey Alec McAllister Allen Snowden
25 – 3 – 12
Both clubs, St. Albans-Merivale and Parklands celebrated a great year together by playing in a progressive tournament won 18 – 16 by Parklands.
It was a great day finishing with a magnificent bbq tea and much social activity in the clubrooms at the completion of the games.
It was hoped that this event will be a regular occurrence in the calendar of both clubs.
Twelve Years Ago.
25 – 3 – 13
To cap a good year off the SAM men won the Edwards Cup for the first time since the 2008 – 9 season.
Only 3 of these players played in the Edwards Cup in 2018 – 19. The same 3 were still playing in 2019 – 20. Two in 2021 – 22, 2022 – 23, 2023 – 24 and 2024 – 25
26 – 3 – 17
2017 National Champions. Richard Hocking, Gary Lawson, Nathan Glasson, Andrew Kelly, Stephen Ditfort, Lance Pascoe, Kelvin Scott and Coach Darryl Hawker.
Kelly & Ditfort played for Wellington
Scott & Pascoe played for Nelson
Lawson, Glasson & Hocking didn’t play
Liam Eathorne was in the Canterbury team.
Interesting who was playing for who?
MuzzaWeb ia at a loss to understand why local club players are playing for other centres.
Seven Years Ago.
24 – 3 – 18
Today was the first day that the Elmwood Park’s new uniform was worn. Looked good too.
We were so lucky to have such high quality people modelling the shirts.
25 – 3 – 18
Congratulations to Sherrie Cottle who was a member, pairs, of the winning Canterbury intercentre team.
Six Years Ago.
23 – 3 – 19
The annual match between Elmwood Park and Burnside, for the Elmburn Shield, was played today, the 41st occasion it has been played for.
Two games of ten ends were played on superb greens with 18 participating teams After the first round Elmwood Park led 7 – 2,with the final score being 12 – 6 to Elmwood Park.
No afternoon tea was served, the cost of putting that on was put towards the victims of the Friday massacre along with donations. Over $600 was raised.

Some interesting game features.
* The club bowlers have to use club bowls.
* Final 3 ends the losing team has a power play
* Jack is just placed.
* No killed ends, jack placed on the 2m mark.

23- 3 – 20
Due to current the current situation of Covid-19 the Heaton Street and Donald Place club rooms were closed as of 8.00pm TONIGHT (23 March 2020) until further notice.
NZ on level 3 covid-19 alert.
24- 3 – 20
The annual Elmwood Park v Woodend cancelled due to the Covid-19 outbreak.
25 – 3 – 20
NZ on level 4 Covid-19 alert.
26- 3 – 20
The annual Elmwood Park v Parklands cancelled due to the Covid-19 outbreak.
28/29 – 3 – 20
Finals weekend postponed due to the Covid-19 outbreak.
Participants would have been:
* Men’s fours. Gary Lawson Lance Pascoe Kelvin Scott Nathan Glasson
* Men’s triples. John Mears Liam Eathorne Ian Rule
* Women’s triples. Pam Phair Mary Ann Johnstone Cheryl Gee
* Men’s singles. Representing Riccarton Racecourse. Liam Eathorne
Three Years Ago.
23 – 3 – 21
Gary Lawson won his games in the champion of champion singles but played with an odd bowl. This resulted in his disqualification which was conveyed the following day, in spite of his opposing players giving the ok! Bowls Canterbury did not do this very well.
Two Years Ago.
23 – 3 – 23
Congratulations to Nathan Glasson who achieved the rare feat of winning all four men’s championship titles. It is the second time in two years this has been achieved with Kelvin Scott achieving it in the 2022 – 23 season.
28 – 3 – 23
A huge milestone for two of Elmwood Park Bowling Club superstars this week in Australia!!! Lance Pascoe and Kelvin Scott have become Black Jacks #115 and #116 respectively, representing New Zealand in the 2023 Multi Nations Series on the Gold Coast. A huge achievement for both these guys and everyone at Elmwood Park wishes you well and congratulates you on your selection. Go well lads!!

Lance Pascoe (cap #115 presented by Mike ‘SOS’ Carroll)