Newsletter. August 2024.

The friendliest bowling club in Christchurch.

Newsletter: August 2024.
9 – 8 – 24


   Early August some blossom is out as well as a few daffodils. Spring is on the way and so, before too long, is our 2024 – 25 bowling season!
Opening Day and Dates to Diary.
Opening Day:     Saturday 21st September
Elmwood Park Drawn Fours:     Saturday 28th September
Fenwood Duster:     Saturday 5th October
Interclub starts:     Saturday 12th October
Details to follow.
Handbook and Programme:
These are being very much worked on at the present time and thanks to Mary Ann, Tim, David and Lesley for their involvement. As usual, our handbook, incorporating the programme, will be available by, or shortly before opening day.
Edwards Cup/Over 60s events:
The Bowls Canterbury Board has made a decision to play the highly popular Over 60s events on a Monday afternoon. Our club had strongly opposed this, as had other clubs.
There was also no clear vote for this from individual questionnaires.
The reason for the Bowls Canterbury decision seems to be to cater for those playing the Tuesday Friendlies. This has resulted in  our popular Edwards Cup being rescheduled to a Tuesday, after urgent discussions between the clubs involved.
Les Campbell advises that most of the stock items of club shirts, caps etc have been received together with items requested by various members. Jackets and shorts should arrive in early August. As to the faulty trousers which needed to be replaced due to faulty material, Les advised that the trousers have been ordered with an estimated delivery date of mid September. Any queries about uniforms, please contact Lesley.
Special congratulations to our Emily Belton who was awarded the Coach of the Year Award at the Bowls Canterbury prizegiving evening. We look forward to Emily helping out again with our coaching programme at the club.
Also, congratulations to Kelvin Scott for receiving the special Senior Men’s Award from Bowls Canterbury.
Thanks to Brian Smith for running this in my absence overseas. The new executive and a number of officials have already been appointed by the committee and are set out in Murray Scott’s excellent website. Brian Smith (chairperson) and I look forward to working with the new executive to further promote the interests of our bowling club.
Winter Indoor Bowls:
This continues at the Papanui Bowling Club under the very able management of Kurt Geiger, Neville Greenslade and Shirley Herd. There has been a regular turnout of 20 – 25 at the
1.00 p.m. start on Mondays, with all enjoying themselves. All very welcome, with the after match function at 4.00 p.m. at the Papanui Club!
Club Manager:
The club executive is delighted with its appointment of David Fairlie as our club manager.
David is already working closely with the executive and with others, as needed, in the interests of our club.
Club Night. Fridays:
Please continue to support the club by attending our Friday club nights from 4.00 p.m. Catch up with your fellow club members and all the news and gossip and we will be looking to run another before too long. Thanks to all club members who support this
club social event.
Bingo Night:
Our recent bingo night, arranged by Fiona Frew and her team, was very successful and we will be looking to run another before too long. Thanks to all club members who supported this club social event.
No. 2 Green Update:
Tim reports that all is on schedule with the work on No.2 as authorized by the executive, despite some indifferent weather. We look forward so much to the completion of this work and to seeing the end product.
And finally, just a reminder of our club’s success in Bowls Canterbury interclub last year.
Men’s 7’s Div 1 / Women’s post Christmas Premier Sevens Div 1
Men’s 3×3 Div 2 / Women’s 5’s Div 5
Any Combination 2×4 Pennant Div 2 / Men’s Double Triples.
The only club to obtain more titles than our 6 was Halswell with 7. Well done to all concerned, including the selectors.
Winter well and roll on the season.
Neil Johnstone