Coaching 1 Introduction



Holding the Bowl.

To ensure that the bowl is always held correctly in the bowling hand the following  principles apply:
1.    Take the bowl in the non bowling hand and hold it out in front of the body.
2.    Place the bowling hand on top of the bowl with the fingers positioned as follows:
*    Make certain the middle finger is along the centre of the running surface of the bowl.
*    Then place the index and third fingers along the top of the rings on the bowl. This will have the fingers evenly
*    Allow the thumb to position itself no further across the bowl than the rings opposite the index finger.
*    Let the little finger rest comfortably on the side of the bowl with no pressure.

Flip the bowl over into the delivery position outside the body line with the bowl resting on the three fingers. Check bias.
Keep the bowl vertical and do not allow the fingers to shift from the original set position.
The thumb and the little finger are only used for supporting the bowl in the hand.

Comfort is an important factor.

The centre line of the running surface of the bowl forms a direct line through the arm, elbow to the shoulder, with the middle finger centred on the bowl.
*    straight line through arm to shoulder.
*    straight back and through pendulum arm action.
*    wrist locked.

10 Bowling Etiquette Hints For Beginners.

  1. Do not drop your bowls on the green.
  2. Avoid standing on the edges of the green.
  3. Matches, cigarette ends, etc., should be placed in the tins at the end of each rink, not in the ditch.
  4. Do not move the bowls until the shot has been decided.
  5. When a bowl has been delivered, a bowler should stand either behind the mat or behind the head. They should not take up a position in between.
  6. Don’t waste time and delay the game.
  7. Keep still on the head when a player is about to deliver a bowl.
  8. All players should show courtesy and good sportsmanship.
  9. All bowlers need to be familiar with the rules of the game.
  10. Please do not use mobile phones on or around the green.

Etiquette for Markers

During the season, we are always involved in single ties, so markers are generally required every evening. Please make yourself available as a marker whenever you can. If you have the time get out there and mark.  Here is some guidance on what a marker should and should not do:

  1. A marker is always serving two people.
  2. When a player has delivered the jack the marker should centre it and then stand back to one side of the rink, making sure that all rink markers are      visible to the players.
  3. They should answer any specific questions from the players about the situation at the head. They shouldn’t offer any additional information that has not been asked for.
  4. If they are unsure of the situation, for example you cannot decide who is lying, don’t guess. You can offer an opinion but make sure that the player who is asking the question is made aware of this.
  5. The marker should mark all touchers immediately after they come to rest.  They should also remove any chalk on touchers that players have forgotten to remove.
  6. They should remove dead bowls from the rink with the players’ agreement.  They should also mark the position of touchers and the jack, if they are in the ditch.
  7. The marker should not move any bowls until the end is complete and the players have agreed the number of shots.
  8. They must measure disputed shots when required but once again they should not move the bowls until the players have agreed the shots.
  9. If an umpire is available then they may be called upon for a decision. Where no umpire is available the marker may select one. Both players may also agree that the marker should make the decision.

With thanks to the Braintree Bowling Club Lawn Bowling Etiquette. (U.K.)