2024 Pre Christmas Review.


Bowls New Zealand High Performance Squad: Lance Pascoe, Emily Belton, team support.
Canterbury Southern Quad: .
Men: Lance Pascoe
Women:   Fiona Frew   Christine Buchanan   Kim Rowlands   Jan Shirley   Tania Woodham   Coach:  Emily Belton
Development men:   Chris Waldron
Development women:   Coach:  Neil Buchanan

Pre Christmas Results 2024.

Women's Premier 2/4s Div 1141131st
Men's Premier 3/4sDiv 1211382nd
Men's Premier 3/4sDiv 32111193rd
AC 2/4s EP1Div 114863rd
AC 2/4s EP2Div 2147164th
AC 2/4s EP3Div 314952nd
U5 Triples EP1Div 2 Sec 37611st Lost in final in play offs
U5 Triples EP2Div 2 Sec 67522nd
U5 Triples EP3Div 2 Sec 575111st Lost in semi final in play offs
AC Pairs EP1Sec 47434th
AC Pairs EP2Sec 27433rd
Women's FivesDiv 5141221st
Men's Double Pairs EP1Sec 2147242nd
Men's Double Pairs EP2Sec 3141041st Lost first play off game
Men's Double Pairs EP3Sec 414598/10
Men's Double Pairs EP4Sec 114774th
O60 Fives EP1Div 1146175th
O60 Fives EP2Div 212932nd
O60 Fives EP3Div 314685th
O60 Fives EP4Div 7146175th
O60 Fives EP5Div 8146174th
Edwards CupEP Gold27142112nd
Edwards CupEP Blue2721151st
U5 Pairs EP1Div. 2 Sec. 477Won play offs
U5 Pairs EP2Div. 2 Sec. 77524th
U5 Pairs EP3Div. 1 Sec. 57522nd

Pre Christmas Highlights 2024.

* The high quality of both greens. Well done to Kelvin and Don.
* Award Noel’s Bowls from Lorraine McLeod to Kelvin Scott at opening day.
* Interclub First Places:   Women’s premier 2/4s  U5 Triples EP1  U5 Triples EP3  Women’s Fives  Men’s Double Pairs EP2  U5 Pairs EP1
* Interclub Second Places:  Men’s Premier 3/4s [Div. 1]   AC 2/4s EP3  U5 Triples EP2  Men’s Double Pairs EP1  U5 Pairs EP3   O60 5s EP
* Interclub Third Places:  Men’s Premier 3/4s [Div. 3]  AC 2/4s EP1  AC Pairs EP2
* Congratulations to our brilliant premier women’s team which recently won the Premier Bowls Canterbury Interclub Two Fours event in grand style.
They won all matches, 11 from 14 games, and ended up 10 points clear of the strong opposition, scoring 61 points out of a maximum 70.
2004 has been a stellar year, as our premier women’s team also won the post Christmas sevens from last season.
The two fours representatives were Tania, Fiona, Mary Ann, Nylla, Jude, Bev, Kim, Christine and Jan.

* U5s Centre sevens success
* Elmwood Park has several players who will be participating in finals day, March 2.
Jonathan Flint in the O60 singles
Kim Rowlands in the Centre women’s singles
Paul McKinnel, Liam Eathorne, Don Baker and Tony Marshall will play a semi final against Lance Pascoe, Gary Lawson, Kelvin Scott and Nathan Glasson. Winner will go to the final on finals day.
Kim Rowlands, Fiona Frew, Nylla Tamati and Jude Main are in the Centre women’s fours.
Christine Buchanan and Ray Hooper in the O60 pairs
* The success of the men’s U5s, especially the triples, 2 firsts and a second. An influx of new U5 members meant a healthy number attempting to be club champion in the singles when compared to the three participants in last year’s U5 and Yr 1 & 2 club championships. Special mention must be made for the great work done by Phil Smith and Jamie Wagner.
EPBC entered a U5 sevens side that competed in the Canterbury Junior Sevens, and won!
This is the first time in recent history that the club has been in a position to enter a side in that competition, which is extremely pleasing. [This is the 8th year of this particular competition and the first time Elmwood Park has entered it!]
We have approximately 20 U5 full members currently at the club, which shows the strength and depth that the club is currently building.

Play Offs.
EP had several teams involved in play offs.
* EP2 were defeated in both games in the men’s double pairs play offs.
* Well done to the U5 pairs team of Steve Cooke and Phil Smith who defeated Woolston Park in a tight tussle, 16 – 13. They progressed to the semi final against Bowls Hornby.
What a game. The U5s EP1 played a close and tense game against Bowls Hornby winning 16 – 13. It was a quality game with both sides playing some superb bowls, none more so than the Bowls Hornby boys who picked up a six with a magnificent shot three ends from the finish to bring the score to EP 14 – 12.
It was bowls at its best, good skills and great camaraderie.
And so to the final.
On a damp and dismal evening some really quality bowls were played by both teams with EP winning 15 – 9. It was closer than that with Club Redcliffs being unlucky in what proved to be the final end. Club Redcliffs were holding two shots with the score at 11 – 9 but they disturbed the jack to EP’s advantage.
* The U5s triples, EP1 and EP3 maintained their high standards set during the interclub rounds by winning both their play off games at Cashmere this morning.
EP1    [Steve Cooke   Luke Jury Jane   Phil Smith]  v Fendalton 18 – 8
EP3  [Lloyd Foster  Dale Johnstone   Matt Lewis]  v Bowls Papanui 3 19 – 13
Semi finals followed.    The U5 triples teams of EP1 and EP3 did so well to get to the play offs but sadly they both failed at the final hurdle.
EP3 went down to Bowls Papanui 1 who continued on to win the play offs. EP1 accounted for Bowls Papanui 2 and faced Bowls Papanui 1 in the final. EP1 got away to a good start leading early on 9 – 7 but Bowls Papanui 1 pulled away to eventually win 22 – 9.

  Thoughts and Opinions.
* The lack of numbers for our Friday club day has been disappointing.
* The lack of a regular tournament. Shouldn’t we have one? MuzzaWeb doesn’t believe 3 bowl triples is the answer. No idea what the answer is but some creative thinking is probably required.
* After an error MuzzaWeb was pleased to see that the Manning Cup was entered in  interclub after Christmas.
* MuzzaWeb is still not a fan of the singles one life system.

Centre Sevens.       

Section Play:
EP Div. 1 Sec. 1  K. Scott   L. Pascoe   N. Glasson   G. Lawson   L. Eathorne   E. Kelleher   R. Cook
Qualified for next week.  Fours: 1 win   Pairs: 2 wins   Singles: 2 wins.
EP Div. 2 Sec. 2  J. Flint   G. Porter   P. McKinnel   S. Bowden   T. Marshall.  I. Rule.  B. Burke
Div. 2 failed to qualify; highlight was J. Flint’s two singles wins. Fours: 1 win.  Pairs:  1 draw   3rd
Women:   EP Div. 1 Sec. 2  C. Buchanan   B. Morel   T. Woodham   F. Frew   N. Tamati   MA Johnstone   J. Main
Qualified for next week.  Fours: 3 wins   Pairs: 1 win   Singles: 2 wins.   2nd [12 points with first placed Belfast]
U5:   EP Div. 1 Sec. 3 @ Parklands U5 Team.   S. Jury-Jane   C. Waldron   Lukas Jury Jane   S. Cooke   P. Smith   D. Johnstone   M. Lewis
The U5s qualify for next week. Fours: 3 wins   Pairs: 3 wins   Singles: 2 wins.   1st   Well done guys.
Post Section Play:
Expectations were high for a series of good results in the Centre Sevens. Elmwood Park has a history of success in this event but would it carry on?
Women’s premier sevens lost to Burnside. 0 – 2. with the fours unfinished.
Men’s premier sevens won first game against Rangiora 2 – 1, then defeated Burnside 2 – 1 and and went on to play Belfast in the final. They lost 0 –  3 to a very strong and capable Belfast team thus failing to get six in a row.
What a revelation the U5s were. They defeated Bowls Papanui winning singles and fours in the first game, then defeated Halswell 2 – 1 and thus progressed into the final against Rangiora which they won 2 – 0 with the fours drawing. Congratulations guys, a superb effort.
Seddon Jury Jane had a mammoth win in the singles, 21 – 2, and the pairs played well to win relatively comfortably, 17 – 10.

The Magnificent Seven.


Local Tournaments:

The Fenwood Duster.
5 – 10 – 24
The first official interclub tournament of the season, for the Fenwood Duster, EP v Fendalton. EP lost it last year and there was a quiet determination  to regain it. This was the 44th time this tournament has been played.
It was a wonderfully fine day although Canterbury’s easterly made itself known during the latter part of the afternoon.
Three bowl triples were played.
Progress score. EP 97   Fen 77 at afternoon tea.
  EP president receiving the Duster from Fendalton president John Calder. EP regained the Duster with a 152 – 104 win.

Internal Competitions:

Ngaio Marsh Drawn Fours. 28 – 9 – 24

1] B. Morel   J. McKinnel  Pete Smith   P. Nash
2] J. Wagner   C. Buchanan   N. Buchanan   J. Chisolm



President’s Triples: 26  – 10 – 24

Centre Events

Mixed Pairs:
Eight teams competed in this event. Steve Bowden & Joyce McKinnel, Kim Rowlands & Ray Hooper, Jan Shirley & Lucas Jury, Fiona Frew & Seddon Jury Jane, Glen Porter & Nylla Tamati, Bryan Burke & Bernie Burke, Bev Morel & Tony Smith and Paul McKinnel & Pam Rowley.
Fiona Frew and Seddon Jury Jane, Paul McKinnel and Pam Rowley, Glenford Porter and Nylla Tamati qualified for post section. Sadly they all fell in the first round.

O60 singles:
Entries were Tim Sandrey, Jonathan Flint, Bev Morel, Kim Rowlands & Chris Waldron.
Jonathan Flint progressed to finals day.

Men. Centre Singles:
Jonathan Flint, Jamie Wagner, Seddon Jury Jane, Glenford Porter, Liam Eathorne, Lukas Jury Jane and Chris Waldron entered.
Seddon Jury Jane and Chris Waldron advanced to post section play. C. Waldron went out first round while Seddon Jury Jane reached the quarter final stage but was defeated by eventual finalist Rodney Downes, 20 – 21.

Women. Centre Singles:
Fiona Frew, Nylla Tamati, Jude Main, Tania Woodham, Kim Rowlands and Christine Buchanan entered.
Four of our members participated in the Centre women’s post section singles today. A fantastic performance.
Nylla and Christine fell at the first hurdle. The draw meant that Kim and Fiona met in the semi final which was narrowly won by Kim. Fiona made the semi by defeating the well-performed Sandra Keith, a magnificent win.
Kim will play Tayla Bruce on finals day.


Men. Centre Triples:
Kelvin Scott, Gary Lawson & Ethan Kelleher; Chris Waldron, Ray Hooper & Don Baker; Glenford Porter, Seddon Jury Jane & Bryan Burke;  Paul McKinnel, Jonathan Flint & Ian Rule and Lance Pascoe, Liam Eathorne & Nathan Glasson.
Well done to the Lance Pascoe triple who won their first game and faced off against the Kelvin  Scott triple. Bragging rights up for grabs. The Chris Waldron triple also advanced.
Chris Waldron was beaten by Parkland’s Steve Lilly in his next game and Lance Pascoe gained bragging rights over Kelvin Scott [14 – 7] but was defeated in the semi final by former club member Rodney Greaney, 10 – 16.  

Women. Centre Triples:
Kim Rowlands Fiona Frew & Tania Woodham; Bev Morel, Christine Buchanan & Jude Main.
The Jude Main three advanced but lost their second game [semi final] 7 – 15 to Belfast..

O60 Triples: 
Teams of Tony Marshall, Kim Rowlands and Ray Hooper and Bev Morel, Christine Buchanan and Tony Smith entered in the week delayed tournament.
Both teams made post section where Tony Marshall went out first round but Bev Morel fell at the semi final stage.

Men’s Centre Fours.
Paul McKinnel, Liam Eathorne, Don Baker and Tony Marshall, Glenford Porter, Seddon Jury Jane, Brian Burke and Tony Smith, Lance Pascoe, Gary Lawson, Kelvin Scott.
The Pascoe and McKinnel teams qualified for post section.
In the men’s four Elmwood Park will have at least one team in the final as the Lawson and McKinnel teams will be playing off for one spot in the final. This game will be played at a later date. Date to be advised. Finals day???????


Women’s Centre Fours:
A great result as all three teams qualified for post section play. Kim Rowlands, Fiona Frew, Nylla Tamati and Jude Main. Bev Morel, Christine Buchanan, Mary Ann Johnstone and Tania Woodham, Pam Rowley, Joyce McKinnel, Bernie Burke and Les Campbell.
Wow!!! Well done to the women’s fours team of Kim Rowlands, Fiona Frew, Nylla Tamati and Jude Main who have made it through to the final of the Centre women’s fours and will play Donalda Scott of Christchurch on finals day.
The Pam Rowley four was eliminated first round while the Rowlands four and the Morel four made it through the first round, then guess what? The played each other with the Rowland’s four winning a close one 17 – 13. A big win over Burnside’s Liz Rossiter will see them into the final.

O60 Pairs:
Bev Morel & Tony Smith, Jonathan Flint & Ian Rule, Christine Buchanan & Ray Hooper and Chris Waldron & Jude Main participated in the Centre event on Thursday, Dec. 5. Bev Morel & Tony Smith, Jonathan Flint & Ian Rule, Christine Buchanan & Ray Hooper  qualified for post section.
Congratulations to Christine Buchanan and Ray Hooper who have made the final of the O60 pairs to be played on finals day, March 2.
Along the way they defeated Jonathan Flint and Ian Rule 17 – 11 at the quarter final stage while Bev Morel and Tony Smith lost to former EP member Bruce Humphreys 15 – 16.